Society and Safety Foundation

Society and Safety Foundation seeks to change the meaning and content of the concept of “security” and to raise the awareness of security as a basic need, which if not satisfied prevents personal development.

Foundation’s objectives

To increase citizens’ awareness that the quality of security service depends on their actions and attitudes.

Our Vision

Всеки български гражданин и служител в Сектор „Сигурност“ има възможност да участва.

Our mission

to transform the Ministry of Interior and to be a transparent and open institution

Society and Safety Foundation’s objectives

To increase citizens’ awareness that the quality of security service depends on their actions and attitudes.

To create effective institutionalized model that ensures the participation of citizens in the reform of the Ministry of Interior and the institutions that provide the security service.

To change attitudes of citizens towards the Ministry of Interior officials and create a partnership based on a mutual trust.

To create social infrastructure at local, regional and national level, allowing communication and partnership between citizens, MoI officers and representatives of stakeholders for the preparation and monitoring of local strategies for security service.

To establish a successful model by which employees who have left the system in the Ministry of Interior to transmit and share their knowledge and skills.

Да се постигне осъзнатост, че качеството на услугата „сигурност“ зависи от действията и бездействията на всеки един гражданин на Република България.

Vision of Society and Safety Foundation

Society and Safety Foundation seeks to change the meaning and content of the concept of “security” and to raise the awareness of security as a basic need, which if not satisfied prevents personal development. Through our activities we want to encourage the citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria to participate actively in the process of reforming the Ministry of Interior and the definition of the security service and to identify institutions which are its suppliers.

The security is not only a basic human need, but also one of the deepest aspirations enshrined in us. Ambition and desire for safety when we are at work, in public or when we are at home. Security can be viewed a much broader: striving for financial security, security in terms of our life and health, the health of our relatives, our work, our social position.


At present, there is no clear definition of the scope of the “Security”, the formation of the main components and mechanism of interaction between the institutions which are responsible for the quality of this service. Common understanding of ‘security’ to prevent external aggression and maintain public order in the country, thus ensuring its usually identified with some of the functions of the state. In other words, the creation and maintenance of security can be defined as a common public good,  service that is used by all and for it is characteristic absence of competition in consumption, which is why its implementation is financed with part of the taxes of the population (budget of the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Defence). Moreover, her negatives of all the non-market sector – inability to accurately measure received and paid, the absence of competition, hence comparability and choice, and presumably low efficiency. Meanwhile, the “National Security Strategy” of the Republic of Bulgaria refers to “adapt to the changing security environment” which “imposes new prioritization of security policy, the inclusion of overall institutional potential of society, applying new forms of interaction between the state, business and NGOs, such as public-private partnership. ”

“Extending of the social scope of the security policy poses new challenges for institutional coordination horizontal and vertical hierarchical relations management. Planned pooling of resources of the security sector and change the definition of the “security” requires taking concrete action not only by individual institutions and structures of civil society, but also of every citizen, which is one of the largest chalenges- citizens to realize that the quality of the “security” is defined by their action or inaction.

To be the “security” adequate to the needs and expectations of citizens is first necessary to identify their expectations and understanding of what constitutes the “security” – something which, although developed strategies and other program documents in this field is not made. Lack of clarity about the expectations of citizens, creating the basic prerequisite for overall dissatisfaction with the “security” as:

  1. Their expectations are at variance with the vision and actions of individual institutions.
  1. The institutions expect active participation of citizens and civil monitoring on quality of service, expect proposals for improving the quality and, while the citizens themselves do not find your place as a country, as it does not understand the scope of the “security”.
  1. Subject to the general dissatisfaction of citizens with the quality of service “security” are employees of the Interior Ministry, because the definition of the “security” is not promoted and they are the only recognizable as a party in this process and bear all the negatives and civil frustration – both professional and political leadership and citizens, which poses a risk to public order and security.

Security as defined in the National Security Strategy is a broad and public order and security are only one of it’s components.

The main priorities of the National Security Strategy and defined as vital interests are: • ensuring the rights, freedoms, security and welfare of the citizens, society and the state;

  • protection of the constitutional order and democratic values;
  • preservation and development of national identity, building on the basis of a united nationality;
  • ensuring the integrity of the Bulgarian civil society;
  • overcoming the negative demographic processes, the significant disparities in regional development and construction of socio-economic environment, providing conditions for the development of generations of Bulgarian citizens, able to ensure the Republic of Bulgaria deserved place in the EU and global political, economic, financial and social processes.
  • favorable and predictable security environment;
  • ensuring energy security by diversifying the types of energy sources and routes of supply of energy and other strategic raw materials;
  • development of education, training, science and applied research activities in the spirit of national and common European values;
  • ensuring economic, financial and social stability and economic prosperity;
  • preventing and combating corruption and organized crime;
  • limitation of offenses against person and property;
  • maintaining high quality of the environment and natural resources.

So formulated priorities cover all socio-economic sectors and require coordinated and common efforts of all countries to promote the “security”, quality and possibilities for its optimization and implementation of subsequent monitoring and control by its users.

It is essential that the institutions and their structural units, the civil society and citizens to begin to act as integrated components of the national security system. To begin this process is necessary before this dialogue to take place and create a partnership between civil society organizations, the private sector, state and local institutions  what suggests the “security” and how it can improve its quality.


Our mission is to transform the Ministry of Interior and to be a transparent and open institution which is taking into consideration the real needs of the citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria while is providing a high quality of security service.


The founders of the Society and Safety Foundation,


PERSUADED that the Bulgarian society needs a serious discussion and more information about security and safety issues, the role of law enforcement in the prevention and detection of crimes, the need to analyze and change our attitudes and behavior in different emergencies and our active participation in the process of decision-making and policy-making regarding our security and safety,


MOTIVATED by the need of employees in law enforcement institutions to be involved and to participate actively in civic initiatives and the need to increase their knowledge and skills to work with civil society,


BELIEVING that providing security and safety for all can be achieved mainly through more education, training and motivation of the people to participate and improve the security service,


UNDERSTANDING the security service as guaranteeing the rights, freedoms, security and welfare of all citizens, society and the state,


CONVINCED that in the definition of the “security” must be involved citizens, employees in the Security Sector, institutions and social service providers and the work for improvement of its quality to in partnership with them,


ASSUMING that not the state institutions, but civil society organizations have a leading role in this to make people active, to identify problems in the security sector and to request changes which will improve both- the Security Sector and every citizen’s protection,


RESOLVED to work to bring different sectors and social groups together, to increase security and safety of citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria and asking all who are sharing our ideals, to join our efforts,


It was founded the Society and Safety Foundation by Trade Union Federation of the Employees in the Ministry of Interior as organization in public interest.