Radostina Yakimova

Director of Society and Safety Foundation

Radostina Yakimova was born in 1981 in Sevlievo.She graduated “Vassil Levski” high school with intensive study of biology, chemistry and philosophy. She continued her education at the University “St. St. Cyril and Methodius “, where she received a degree as Bachelor of “Social Activities”and as Master in”Psychology. ” Her professional career began as a head of the Youth Center – Sevlievo in 2004. For 12 years she worked in the NGO sector and she still believes that the only way to change the environment which you live in is to roll up your sleeves and work for it, because the key to your success lies in your own hands and  depence on the choices you make.

For her, the success is measured in people – those who have recognized the cause which she works for as their own, and who have believed in it. She believes that success is shared efforts, confidence, responsibility, energy and enthusiasm, because then anything is possible and there is no way to no way.

If you ask her to tell whether a book or thought that best describes her personality, she will reply that certainly exist, but has not met it, yet. According to her, there is nothing better than seeking of something Още beautiful and better than you are “doing and making” at the moment, because it is a successful recipe and way for personal self-development.

You can contact Ms. Radostina Yakimova at  email: ssf@ssf-bg.eu

The Foundation has a short-term plan for development

On 23 and 24 April 2016 in Bansko, a workshop was held which aim was to determine a “Society and Safety” Foundation’s priorities until December 2017.

The workshop is financed by Trade Union Federation of the Employees in the Ministry of Interior  and is a part of realisation of the project “MoI’s employees and the citizens – partnership for security”.
The workshop was attended by members of the Trade Union Federation of the Employees in the Ministry of Interior Ministry, representatives of non-governmental organizations the Foundation worked successfully last year with and the academic community.
The main challenge which was identified by the participants in the workshop was the administrative and organizational strengthening and development of the Foundation.

The priority areas for development and work by the end of 2017 are related to the improving of the employees in the Ministry of Interior’s image and increasing citizens’ confidence in them, working with children and young people and developing of a strategy for improving the quality of”security” service supported not only by political parties, but also employers, non-governmental organizations, academic community and state institutions.