
  • 25.01.2017

MoI: in cervice of people or politicians?

If any government had been replaced it always brought ad hoc and politically motivated changes. These changes are quite often and the main reason for the occupational stress and insecurity about their jobs among police officers, firefighters, rescuers and all workers in Ministry ot Interior. It has been said that…
  • 19.07.2016

The Budget and the Policies of MoI in 2016

Do we know how our money are spent? You can see in the infographics below.
  • 07.01.2016

The security we need! The reform we want!

Recent years, when we hear Ministry of Interior the associations which come to our minds are “ineffective” and “reform.”We are all aware and conscious of the fact that more and more often, when we witness or become a victim of petty crime we prefer to cover the harm ourselves rather than…