When we have to call on 112?

When we have to call on 112?

When we are calling on 112?
When the situation requires URGENT intervention  of the emergency services (fire brigade, police, emergency, civil protection) and a team have to be sent at the accident.

How to report a sygnal on phone 112?

1. As soon as you have contact with the operator on 112  you have to specify the village, city or town you are calling from. If you are not in village, city or town, you have to describe its geographical location by landmarks – roud, river, mountain etc.

2. Formulate briefly the reason for your call – whether it concerns medical incident or another – flood, fire, etc.

3. Listen carefully the questions of the operator and succinctly respond to them. If necessary, wait to be connected with the service – ambulance, police, fire and more. It is important to be known that this communication with an operator lasts between 1 to 3 min.  During the conversation the most accurate information have to be provided about wthe  intsident.


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