law enforcement

  • 01.09.2016

When we have to call on 112?

When we are calling on 112? When the situation requires URGENT intervention  of the emergency services (fire brigade, police, emergency, civil protection) and a team have to be sent at the accident. How to report a sygnal on phone 112? 1. As soon as you have contact with the operator…
  • 18.05.2016

The duty, which…

His name is  Stoyan and he lives in Konstantinovo. The flood on 16 May 2016 found him with a shopping bag and on the way back home. He saw that it’s raining, but has not suspected that water can flood the village, and he had never heard anything about flooding. He understood…
  • 01.04.2016

There are days…

Each day is different. There are days I’d been shouted. Days when people fainted in my arms. Days when my stripes had been torn and people spat in my face. Days, I’ve heard and seen how the life vanished. Days like these are not uncommon, but are quickly forgotten, because…
  • 15.02.2016

Let’s talk about Ministry of Interior by facts

In 2015, 3168 people have left the Ministry of Interior. More than 2/3 of them are working at field and are at operational positions. From all employees quit the system 1 is a senior, 466 are managers, 688 of are at executive and 2013 are at junior executive positions. 444…
  • 25.12.2015

The person behind the uniform: Ivo

In the first part of the series “The person behind the uniform” we are introducing you Ivo – a firefighter in Varna, beloved husband and father. The series will meet you with law enforcement officers across the country. ‪#‎reform‬ ‪#‎togetherwecan‬
  • 13.02.2015

How do we see the participation of civil and professional organizations in Ministry of Interior’s reforming?

The most important element of the whole process is institutionalized of forms and procedures for citizen participation in reforming the Ministry of Interior. The second crucial component is uniting around the need to prepare a long-term strategy to reform the Ministry of Interior, to be adopted as the Ministry of…
  • 03.02.2015

The failed reform!

Ministry of Interior is the only unreformed Ministry in Bulgaria, but also one of the ministries in which structural changes are the most numerous. One of the major structural changes that contribute the MoI to become a mega-ministry is the closure of Ministry of Emergency Situations and merger it with…
  • 03.02.2015

Why it is necessary and important in the whole process of reforming trade unions to participate?

Reforms that are realized at the time, as mentioned, are parceled and ineffective. Reforms in the Ministry of Interior needs to be long-term, have consulted with civil and professional organizations, to explain the effect of a change in the life of every citizen and employee in the Ministry of Interior,…