• 25.01.2017

MoI: in cervice of people or politicians?

If any government had been replaced it always brought ad hoc and politically motivated changes. These changes are quite often and the main reason for the occupational stress and insecurity about their jobs among police officers, firefighters, rescuers and all workers in Ministry ot Interior. It has been said that…
  • 01.09.2016

When we have to call on 112?

When we are calling on 112? When the situation requires URGENT intervention  of the emergency services (fire brigade, police, emergency, civil protection) and a team have to be sent at the accident. How to report a sygnal on phone 112? 1. As soon as you have contact with the operator…
  • 01.09.2016

I work in National System 112

I have two children who were 4 and 7 years old when I applied for a job in the 112 Emergency line in Bulgaria. While I was passing all phases of the recruitment I worried and was sure I will not be approved for this position. I thought that my…
  • 01.09.2016

The issues in National System 112 in Bulgaria

In 2015, 4,686,390 emergency calls are accepted and only 1,987,576 are real. Who is responsible for the unreal signals received? Who educates the citizens? Who and how impose sanctions for the unreal signals? Who measures the potential risk to the citizens? The debate on the reform of the Ministry of…
  • 19.07.2016

I am a mother!

“I am a mother and my daughter is very proud that I’m a police woman. She knows that I look out not only for her safety and security, but also for her friends in kindergarten. What she doesn’t known is that I am dreaming for the day when the  system will be…
  • 19.07.2016

We, the Bulgarians!

“Do you know, we all Bulgarians, are sad people. We taunt the police, sing humiliating songs about police officers, spit it out and caricature the system, and when we are in trouble precisely the police officer is the only one who can help and immediately we are changing the attitudes…
  • 19.07.2016

The policeman, who chose the profession, because of the love to his father…

“Unlike many of my colleagues, no one in my family was not a policeman, but  I made this choice, because of my father. My father creates and sculpts figures and whole life is giving life to the tree. He wanted to see peculiar for his work – he wanted his…
  • 19.07.2016

The lonely firefighters

Quite offten we can see firefighters who are fighting the firestorm  and stand against it alone, but surounded by  at least two or three fire trucks. Have you ever wondered what is due to the fact that the number of firefighters is equal to the number of firefighting vehicles? The…
  • 27.06.2016

Training on policies for gender equality in MoI

On 25 and 26 June 2016 a training on the project “Policies on Gender Equality in MoI: what to be?”, financed by the Bulgarian Fund for Women was conducted, The training was attended by 10 officers of MoI working in different structures – Security Police, Criminal Police and National System…
  • 18.05.2016

The duty, which…

His name is  Stoyan and he lives in Konstantinovo. The flood on 16 May 2016 found him with a shopping bag and on the way back home. He saw that it’s raining, but has not suspected that water can flood the village, and he had never heard anything about flooding. He understood…
  • 01.04.2016

There are days…

Each day is different. There are days I’d been shouted. Days when people fainted in my arms. Days when my stripes had been torn and people spat in my face. Days, I’ve heard and seen how the life vanished. Days like these are not uncommon, but are quickly forgotten, because…
  • 30.03.2016

Managing traumatic stress: Coping with terrorism

Terrorism threatens a society by instilling fear and helplessness in its citizens. It seeks to hold a society or government hostage by fear of destruction and harm. When terrorist acts occur, people generally look for ways to cope with the acute stress and trauma. Terrorism evokes a fundamental fear of…
  • 08.03.2016

Meet Mariela. One of the women sharing and living with those who care for us.

“My husband was forced to learn how to cope alone with stress at the workplace. He did it, because it was the only way to protect us. He did it, because what he knows and happens to him, not only would frightened us, but terrified. Very often I feel the…
  • 15.02.2016

Let’s talk about Ministry of Interior by facts

In 2015, 3168 people have left the Ministry of Interior. More than 2/3 of them are working at field and are at operational positions. From all employees quit the system 1 is a senior, 466 are managers, 688 of are at executive and 2013 are at junior executive positions. 444…