
  • 01.09.2016

When we have to call on 112?

When we are calling on 112? When the situation requires URGENT intervention  of the emergency services (fire brigade, police, emergency, civil protection) and a team have to be sent at the accident. How to report a sygnal on phone 112? 1. As soon as you have contact with the operator…
  • 01.09.2016

I work in National System 112

I have two children who were 4 and 7 years old when I applied for a job in the 112 Emergency line in Bulgaria. While I was passing all phases of the recruitment I worried and was sure I will not be approved for this position. I thought that my…
  • 19.07.2016

I keep the border of the Republic of Bulgaria!

“I was born in a village which lies on the Border. I grew up seeing every day the Border fence and people on the other side. My grandfather told me stories about  the Borders. He told me everything about my country, culture, values. He told me a long time ago we were one…
  • 19.07.2016

I am a father!

“I am a father and teach my son to be proud of and respect not only me as a police officer, but to respect the all people in uniforms. I teach him to respect not only the police, firefighters and rescuers, but also doctors, teachers, lawyers, judges, welders, drivers in…
  • 19.07.2016

I am a mother!

“I am a mother and my daughter is very proud that I’m a police woman. She knows that I look out not only for her safety and security, but also for her friends in kindergarten. What she doesn’t known is that I am dreaming for the day when the  system will be…
  • 23.06.2016

Children on duty!

A few months ago I was out playing basketball with my children when the ball rolled into the street. I went to it, but suddenly the laugh of my children disappeared and they froze. They saw two patrol cars on the corner. The vehicles turned and were moving slowly towards…
  • 18.05.2016

The duty, which…

His name is  Stoyan and he lives in Konstantinovo. The flood on 16 May 2016 found him with a shopping bag and on the way back home. He saw that it’s raining, but has not suspected that water can flood the village, and he had never heard anything about flooding. He understood…