
  • 25.01.2017

MoI: in cervice of people or politicians?

If any government had been replaced it always brought ad hoc and politically motivated changes. These changes are quite often and the main reason for the occupational stress and insecurity about their jobs among police officers, firefighters, rescuers and all workers in Ministry ot Interior. It has been said that…
  • 01.09.2016

The issues in National System 112 in Bulgaria

In 2015, 4,686,390 emergency calls are accepted and only 1,987,576 are real. Who is responsible for the unreal signals received? Who educates the citizens? Who and how impose sanctions for the unreal signals? Who measures the potential risk to the citizens? The debate on the reform of the Ministry of…
  • 23.06.2016

Children on duty!

A few months ago I was out playing basketball with my children when the ball rolled into the street. I went to it, but suddenly the laugh of my children disappeared and they froze. They saw two patrol cars on the corner. The vehicles turned and were moving slowly towards…
  • 13.02.2015

How MoI must look like in 15 years?

MoI officers and representatives of civil society participated in the process of identification of approaches came to a basic conclusion: before a vision and develop a strategy for long-term reform to be created it is necessarily a broad public discussion with representatives of NGOs, professional and trade union organizations to…
  • 03.02.2015

Citizen participation in MI: Mission (im) possible!

The main issue which united representatives of trade unions, professional organizations and NGOs in terms of public order and security, is that the “security” service provided to citizens, is not effective and does not meet their needs. The discussion about the parameters and expectations of what should the service be…