Official position of the Society and Safety Foundation about the Minister of Interior’s statement

Society and Safety Foundation is one of the few civil organizations in Bulgaria which puts as a priority on its activities the improvement of the  “civil security” service provided by the Ministry of Interior, which is directly linked with the improvement of the quality of work and working conditions in the MoI’s system.

Regarding the Minister Buchvarova speaking at the press conference in the Council of Ministers on 13.01.2016 we are obliged to express our official statement.

Mrs Buchvarova, at the press conference on 13.01.2016 you said, quote:

“Therefore any further attemptс MoI to be criticized on this way – with insults, ridiculous allegations false information – typical “cop numbers” will be perceived as an attack on public and national security.”

Please explain on which point from art. 4 of the Act of the State Agency for National Security you relate the criticism to the Ministry of Interior.

You are absolutely right that “insults, ridiculous allegations, false information” can not serve as a constructive public dialogue on the subject, but only the court may classify the criticisms of the Ministry of Interior  as such.

You have no legal right to do so.

In this sense, the position you express can be perceived as restricting freedom of speech, which is protected by Art. 39 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria. May or may not representatives of the media to criticize the Ministry of Interior? May or may not civil organizations to criticize the work of the Ministry?

In another part of your speech, you said:

“Reforms are on my computer. How can you comment on something you have not seen.”

The logical question comes, why the reforms stay on your computer and are not published for public discussion? At organised by us roundtable on 18 December 2015, we appealed for reform which takes into account the interests of citizens and ministry’s employees. We appealed for greater transparency in the management of MoI’s budget which is over 1 billion lev – all taxpayers’ money. The reform in the Ministry of Interior can be done only with broad public support and obvious action taken in the citizens’ interest. Don’t you support this position, Mrs. Buchvarova?

We would not focus superfluous attention to other parts of your statement that aren’t less questionable and are not meeting the legal framework of your position. We will notice that the Ministry of Interior cannot have  “priority groups”, as it would be contrary to Art. 6 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Society and Safety Foundation  does not accept the idea of ​​unilateral decisions that affect the whole Bulgarian society. We openly oppose to any attempt for  freedom of speech’s limitation and each reform the Ministry of Interior, which is not based on detailed research in the Ministry and after public debate on the issue.

And we say “Enough!”

Enough parceled reforms.

Enough savings to fill the budget for the next 12 months without long-term vision.

Enough reformes without at least elementary form of analysis within the ministry.

Foundation “Society and Security” calls for transparency and would support each initiative in this direction, but any reform that does not meet the needs of citizens and employees cannot receive our support.


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