MoI officers and representatives of civil society participated in the process of identification of approaches came to a basic conclusion: before a vision and develop a strategy for long-term reform to be created it is necessarily a broad public discussion with representatives of NGOs, professional and trade union organizations to be conducted.
MoI 2030 – one point of view and one possible approach:
The one approach to reform of the Ministry of Interior if we are not thinking about structural change is to consider the reform as a desired effect on the staff, to identify necessary organizational change to ensure a high quality of service “security” and to ensure better and more efficient service to citizens. In this case, it is necessary to apply a tactical approach, which is based on a pre-identified problems, which need to be solved. If this approach to reform is selected, it is necessary the measures in 2030 to ensure the achievement of the following results:
To the citizens of Republic of Bulgaria:
- Achieved satisfaction with the “security” and defined parameters and indicators measuring the quality at all levels of the Ministry.
- Developed a clear plan and certain approaches to enhancing the quality of the “security” that before adoption are discussed with the citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria.
- Increased public confidence in the Ministry.
- Created a mechanism that allows the participation of citizens in decision-making.
- Facilitated communication between citizens and officials in the Ministry of Interior.
- Simplified administrative procedures and reduced the time for the issuance of documents.
- Respect for human rights and dignity.
Improved interaction between MI and institutions from other key sectors such as health facilities, social services, prosecution and court to establish a new approach and allow the application of the principle of “case management”. This approach will reduce the time limits for citizens and increase the effectiveness of the “security”.
To the employees:
- Updated and properly changed working categories according to the type of action being performed.
- Provided additional compensation for employees who work in hazardous environments and distinct social packages according to type of work that is due.
- Prepared and complied with clear criteria the recruiting and training of employees’ process, provided equipment, supplies and a clear mechanism for further trainings and preparation.
- Clearly defined powers of employees in different departments created redress mechanisms and eradicated the presumption of guilt of the employees.
- Created and implemented a mechanism to provide psychological support, prevention and reduction of occupational stress, supervision and mentoring program that allows employees who cannot work in the field and / or are retired, to share their experience.
- Changed the principle of functioning of trade unions in MoI – secured funding / target and project / activity of trade unions provided functional immunity for union leaders and established a mechanism for elections to validate unions that represent employees in the Council on Social partnership.
- Improved image of the employees in the Ministry of Interior and increased public confidence.
- Increased motivation and job satisfaction of employees in the Ministry of Interior.
To the system:
- Completed reform and centralized / decentralized system
- Created mechanism for the selection of senior management positions at local, regional and national level, based on the concepts of development and not on political affiliation.
- Provided logistical security of employees for smooth implementation of their professional duties.
- Created and institutionalized mechanism for civil monitoring of the activity of the Ministry of Interior and change policy and programming documents in consultation with the relevant authority / Public Board /.
- Ensured the practical application of the principles of openness, transparency and accountability of the system.
- Clearly defined and detailed functions of MoI and each employee.
- Provided finances covering the overall activities of the Ministry.
- Created a system of electronic services and reduced the volume of paper used.
- The press office of the Interior Ministry started to work on the employees’ image, not the political leadership.
Ministry of Interior in 2030 – Another point of view and the second possible approach:
The second possible approach that was identified is strategic and it is connected with the union about the role and functions that MoI have to implement and is based on the assumption that the main function of the Ministry of Interior and the main objective of the Police department is to protect public order and internal Security. If starting from this understanding, it is necessary when talking about reform and the vision of the Ministry of Interior in 2030, to achieve the following results:
- Finalized administrative reform, increased quality and efficiency of the system in relation to the service which is Necessary is when the reforming the Ministry of Interior is discussing in this regard, outsourcing of part of the activities of the Ministry of Interior to other ministries to be planned, government agencies such as differentiation / Main Directorate “Fire Safety and Protection of Population” / or decentralization and moving part activities to municipalities / Control of road transport and Bulgarian identity documents /. In parallel, administrative reform should provide re-categorization and specific policies to compensate employees with different powers. In parallel, administrative reform should provide re-categorization and specific policiesin order to compensate employees with different responsibilities.
- Centralized / decentralized structure and clearly defined powers and mechanisms for quality control of the execution of their commitments.
- Secured system to the material provision of employees increased the selection criteria, qualification and training of employees ensured.
- Established mechanisms for combating and preventing crime and especially – everyday crime.
- The practical application of the principles of equality and ensured protection of both employees and citizens.
- Created a tool for independent and democratic control / institutional / monitoring / Civil / of the Ministry of Interior’s activities and the effectiveness of decisions.